I cannot believe it has been MONTHS since my last update. Such is life when your days are spent in fast forward. Our world since April has been shaken, not stirred, yet filled with excitement.
We have been in our NEW house since June 3rd. Packing, moving and changing your life while 8 months pregnant with 3 children during the end of the school year/dance/softball season is something NO ONE should ever have to endure. I will look back at our experience (being homeless for 5 days with our entire life possessions on a cross country moving truck in a storage unit unsure if we will have a home to go to, thank you very much wells fargo) and have faith that it will always work out.
We moved in on a Tuesday with Wednesday and Thursday nights filled with dance rehearsals. The recital was 3 shows on Saturday (we were only in the morning and evening show) which I enjoyed EVERY minute of. Nina had 6 dances, Gianna, 2 and Marea, 1.
Nina's Jazz... Boogie Fever
Gianna's Ballet.... Dance of the Sugarplum fairies
Nina's Production... Annie (with Marea..look at those LIPS!)
The following weekend I drove to Ithaca for Kim and Chris's wedding..which was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I've finally begun to edit now that life is consistant once again. (photos taken from one of my assistants, Danielle of DiLoPhoto coming up next!)
In rushes July..
On the 6th we scheduled an induction and were blessed with the birth of our FOURTH baby girl!!! Talia Grace Cicione.
Typically I like the hospital stay after delivery and almost wish I could stay longer. However, with the terrible spread of Swine Flu, children under 18 were no longer permitted anywhere on the birthing floors at Strong hospital. I missed my girls and wanted them so badly to meet their new baby sister.
2 days later and after the limo ride home (you can't do for one and not all of them, we just never knew we'd have FOUR!! lol) the girls finally met their new baby sister.
They longed to hold her and love her.
Our life is crazy. The laundry is OUT OF CONTROL. Sleep is rare. My sessions are backing up on my computer DYING to be edited. So I will waste no more of this precious day catching you up on the last few months of our lives.....
That one of all four girls in b&w is so precious. It just makes me want to cry. Perfection!
I'm so happy to see an update! I've missed you, your girls, and your beautiful photography.
LOVE it!!!! Miss you, glad to hear all is well you crazy girl!!
heyyy heather!!! Its sam and bri!! we are so glad that you put more pictures up! I love all of them! I love the dance ones..... I am going to miss teaching them next year but I will see them a lot still, hopefully!? I love Talia. She is adorable! Well see you at dance
♥ always your "daughter" sam!!!
mom boggie fever is TAP not jazz
jazz is when i grow up
Congratulations! She's gorgeous!!!!
I need more updates!!!
Aww, congratulations on your new addition, Heather! Your girls are lovely. :)
Congrats on the move and your 4th baby girl!!! Havnet seen you on BOLU and i was just dying to know how everything was going!!
I absolutely LOVE these photos you put up. You really are such an inspiration to me both professionally with photography and in life with your family. I love you guys.
AWww, thanks girls, such amazing comments and compliments, really, thank you. and Danielle, thanks for the lump in my throat, never did I think I would ever inspire someone, it's truly humbling, thank you.
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